Saturday, April 2, 2011


Time For a new start.... INSANITY Worklouts....
I borrowed the first month work out and am going to give it a shot.

Starting weight: 306 pounds.


Record tracker for the Fit Test first month
Switch kicks: 46
Power Jacks: 15
Power Knees: 42
Power Jumps: 6
Round the World: 4
Suicide Jumps (Burpies): 9
Push Up Jacks: 6
Low Plank Oblique: 12 (x2)

I will be doing these workouts and continuing my diet; which I have nt lost any weight in following and hope that my increased cardio will allow me to shed the weight.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Adter a week on the Atkins diet, I am down to 306 even. I am seeing size loss and am feeling pretty good. if anyone is intereseted in what I am working at, another book is (and please get the original from the doctor...)

The Atkins Essentials: A Two-Week Program to Jump-start Your Low-Carb Lifestyle

More to come....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well, My coworker nad friend is off to the Army this week. I have got some good pointers and have started yesterday on implimenting them.

Today I walked home from church, 3 miles and at a fast pace. I had three of my kids volenteer in walking and they started to slow me down the last mile, but i pushed them ahead of me so that what little hinderance there was was hopefully minimal.

Diet wise, I had a three egg omlet with 3 pieces of bacon, a 1/4 cup of mushrooms, bell pepper and cheese. A can of tuna fish with a 1/4 cup of mayo, bell peper, and diced bread and butter pickles (sugar free). diner was steak covered in a cream sauce, cheese and mushrooms (about 6 oz) and about a cup of broccoli salad. For a snack, I had a carb free yogert with whipcream. For the most part, I stayed satisfied and was never hungry.

Tomorrow I start a new shift time, Thanks to my twin nine year old boys, and am adjusting my diet with my wake up time of 4 am and bed time of 7pm. Hoping that the change will be beneficial for myself and goals and to meeting my work and family needs.

Till tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Now I know why I do not keep Journals...

Sorry for any gaps, but there is a reason why I do not keep a journal. (SEE...!)

Anyway, I have been working on school and diet, but with family life and being sick, I have not done my exercises. So, tomorrow I start in ernest again. I am hoping to hit the incline on Thursday or Friday with the great weather.

Books wise, I have been given a book by Charles Sakai, THANK YOU and found another that would help any with weight loss;
Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength

Get Fit For Free and Ditch the Gym for Total Fitness: Workout Routines to Keep Fit, Tone Up, Lose Weight, and Save Money

The first book gives you some great tips and a break down of excercise, diet and other great tips for weight loss.

The second book walks you through exercises and workout plans for the individual. They are all built for you and ready to go.

I am hopeful in getting back to exercising and posting everyday.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ok, as my facebook page states "I do not know what hell is doing, but my little bit of heaven is frozen over". It has been a very, VERY! cold day. Did not exercise today. Yesterday I did 100 crunches and I am waiting for warmer weather to start jumping rope and walking/running.

food for the day:
Breakfast: 2 eggs and 4 slices of bacon
Lunch: Atkins Shake
Dinner: 6 oz thin steak, 1/2 cup of coliflower (mashed) and green beans.

till tomorrow.... Stay warm and safe.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Well, yesterday was a interesting and exhausting day. One of my boys, Jacob who is 9 years olf got an attitude at work and carried it over to the family before we left church. It got so bad that we felt it was time to have him learn another lesson the hard way. He walked home form church.... 4 miles. Now he did not walk alone; I went with him. He was so mad though that he kept a block or two distance between us.

Now, I was planing on walking alot, but in making the same trek as my son, in dress shoes (he wore tennis shoes) and at times I ran to try and catch him; up hill and down, I am sore to say the least. Everytime i caught up to Jacob, he would bolt ahead by a block to keep the distance.

Now today... I am sore. My feet are recovering from the abuse of yesterday and I had a busy morning in taking care of erands. Then to top it off, I forgot my lunch and dinner. So, I was on a liquid diet from 10 am onward.

We will see what tomorrow will bring with a -2 degrees forcasted for a high....

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Well the good news, lost more weight than the last post...

140.9 kg....... 309.98 pounds

Diet wise, I am getting the portions down and drinking more fluids, but am needing to cut out sodas again.

Breakfast was skipped due to a school openhouse for Sophia and high school.
Early Lunch: steak fajita (6 oz), cheese (1/4 cup) and sour cream (1 tablespoon)
Dinner: 3 eggs scrammbled with a tablespoon of heavy cream, 1/4 cup of bacon (cooked), chopped bell pepper and mushrooms.

Stress is starting to mount as some un expected bills came in and I am frustrated over the timing. However, all in all, parenthood was the only other stress today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weigh In

Well, I have been meaning to do this all weak....

Last time I weighed in....

145.7 kg.......... 320.45 pounds

As of today
142.4 kg......... 313.28 pounds

YEAH, me.... I just need to keep it up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Busy day with school and work. I have not had time to exercise, nor the energy. For what ever reason, I went to bed at 11pm (after work) and could not fall a sleep till 2am. Up at 5 am and RUNNING for the rest of the day.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, half a cup of cheese, mushrooms and bell pepper in an omlette
Lunch and Dinner: meet and cheese slices.....

Tomorrow... Exercise!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well, been busy with job hunting, resume building and getting all my ducks in a row for graduation. the WII active 2 is frustrating me to the point that I have given up on it. I am doing exercises on my own and I still do not have a copy of P90X....

I have noticed a size reduction and I still need to weigh myself.

Life is busy, tiring and not so stressful right now.... and FINALLY feeling better after Wednesday through Saturday of not feeling well.

No exercise for today....


Breakfast: 2 eggs 4 slices of bacon and 4 oz of cheese
Lunch: 9 oz of shreaded beef